Saturday, March 10, 2012

I need help with my story?

ok i need help because i am having trouble thinking of ways to say this

the girl is in the forest

the dragons are hunting and a young dragon gets her

its young so it doesn't kill her.

they take her to the dragon cave.

i want the reader to guess she has been hunted.

but you will not know the dragon is young till they are in the cave.

there is 2 types of dragon

a dragon

and a human dragon thing. (really a human with wings claws and a tail.)

she is going to be taken by the human dragon thing

i think the girl will be like 13. (about my age maybe a little older)

i just need some ideas of how she should be taken and that.

im really stuck on this.

this is all i have so far

It was dark. The dragon hideout forest was frightening at night. The wind swept through the trees. Everything was silent. She heard footsteps in the distance. The cries of a deer screaming through her ears. All was silent again.

thank you

these are just ideas im not going to copy and paste your work .

oh and by the way

don't make up your own beginning.

it's my story and these dragons are my own dragons its my Imagination and the young dragon doesn't kill her because she is learning.

i don't care if in real life wild animals know to kill it isn't real life.

and i don't want her falling into a hole and into a dragon nest because in my world all the dragons live together and not in holes in a cave.

and don't tell me to give up

also the girl is the main character so she isn't going to be killedI need help with my story?
Well they're hunting her in a forest. She is looking back running from the dragons and she doesn't see the human/dragon besides a tree waiting for her. It takes her with his tail by her leg and she falls . And there you go, the girl is capturedI need help with my story?
You could have it like she starts running, and something is steadil .getting closer to her. Maybe it could grab her from behind, and she never sees what it is. She could break away and try to run, and fall and hit her head on a rock or something, and wake up with the dragon, wherever it takes her.

Hope this helps (:

And I'd be interested in reading this, when it's done, if that's okay.

Thanks. (:I need help with my story?
she needs to have a reason to e in the woods. if you wanted you can always go on the line of hearing the forest was haunted and going in on a dare or just a curious girl while in the woods it dosnt really matter how the dragon finds her... the reason in the wods is the real problem and the story is very good so far i know i would read it!

How to turn my passion into drawing?

How do I turn my passion into drawing? Most of my passion is gaming and computer but it's time for me to try and quit. I love playing games and I even love getting on computer and whatever but it hurts me because of my laziness. I have enough of it and I want to turn away from it. I want to be able to draw again.

Guess a little bit of story might help. When I was little, I always go to art class ever since Elementary School 1st grade. I went to this art class and I love it. I always get C or B in another rest of class except Art. I get straight A's. Even Honor Roll for Art Class. It was good and awesome. I love art. I never forget about it. I use to draw Dragon Ball Z character. After high school... I stop drawing. After while... I tried to draw... I tried everything to pick up the pencil and a sketch book. I want to draw but.. I got lazy and left it on my desk collecting dusts. I don't know what to do. It does the same thing with guitar. I tried to pick up the guitar but I have no interest in playing it. So I put it right back where I left it and let it aging and collecting dusts. I'm real upset about that. After all 13 years I went to art class... why that happen to me? I can't figure out how to draw.

So few days ago... I was reading manga and found a picture that inspires me. My grandmother want a picture so I draw it for her from the manga. The picture from a manga that I copy was a man with serious determinate expression and in a detective suit. So instead I draw a man looks alike but different hair and wear hoodies with jacket. It looks really good. Doesn't look much like dragon ball z but 2 times better like professional manga. Shades sucks but everything is good. So I gave it to my grandma anyway. After that... I don't even bother pick up sketch book again.How to turn my passion into drawing?
I was stuck in that mood for a while too. The first step for me to start dusting off my art stuff getting myself ready to draw again. From what I have learned is that you can't just jump into drawing again it kinda brings this sense of writers block only with drawing.

Stop going on the computer just to play games and take a walk, getting lazy is probably an excuse to not go outside. Taking a break from the computer breaks your need to always be on the computer, you can still play all the games you want but, in the future, you will know how to keep it under control.

The you can get out your sketch book and pencils and start drawing. You might have nothing to draw, so start with lines that are straight and curves and scribbles. Get something onto the page so you're not staring at a blank piece of paper the entire day, sooner or later it'll turn into something and then you know that you're artistic vibe is coming back.How to turn my passion into drawing?
basically just keep practicing, take in criticism, look a tutorials and DRAW FROM REAL LIFE AS WELL IT WILL HELP

also I don't like bursting peoples bubbles, but getting A's and an award in a highschool art class isn't really an indication of a good drawing to be very bluntly honest. I did when I took art in school and to be honest I never even tried and most of them weren't even very good : / better than 'most people' maybe, but not good. I think the lowest mark I ever got was 80% because it was an anime drawing.

but believe me drawing from real life will improve your manga drawings ten folds, it'll help loosen up your strokes and show you how things are properly positioned and proportioned. DO NOT mess with proportions because 'it's my style man' until you have an understanding of real life anatomy and such. Believe me, 'stylized' never looks good when the person has no idea how a real person is shaped.

As for the shading try a life drawing class with an instructor who will give demonstrations and point out any mistakes you may have made with the shading, anatomy, pose etc as well as what is good about it

How to turn my passion into drawing?

How do I turn my passion into drawing? Most of my passion is gaming and computer but it's time for me to try and quit. I love playing games and I even love getting on computer and whatever but it hurts me because of my laziness. I have enough of it and I want to turn away from it. I want to be able to draw again.

Guess a little bit of story might help. When I was little, I always go to art class ever since Elementary School 1st grade. I went to this art class and I love it. I always get C or B in another rest of class except Art. I get straight A's. Even Honor Roll for Art Class. It was good and awesome. I love art. I never forget about it. I use to draw Dragon Ball Z character. After high school... I stop drawing. After while... I tried to draw... I tried everything to pick up the pencil and a sketch book. I want to draw but.. I got lazy and left it on my desk collecting dusts. I don't know what to do. It does the same thing with guitar. I tried to pick up the guitar but I have no interest in playing it. So I put it right back where I left it and let it aging and collecting dusts. I'm real upset about that. After all 13 years I went to art class... why that happen to me? I can't figure out how to draw.

So few days ago... I was reading manga and found a picture that inspires me. My grandmother want a picture so I draw it for her from the manga. The picture from a manga that I copy was a man with serious determinate expression and in a detective suit. So instead I draw a man looks alike but different hair and wear hoodies with jacket. It looks really good. Doesn't look much like dragon ball z but 2 times better like professional manga. Shades sucks but everything is good. So I gave it to my grandma anyway. After that... I don't even bother pick up sketch book again.

I REALLY WANT TO DRAW OR PLAY MUSIC! SO HOW DO I TURN MY PASSION INTO DRAWING?! (or play music if you want to help too)How to turn my passion into drawing?

You don't control your passion.

Need character help + what do you think of this?

Im writing a story about 3 6yrold kids who are the best of friends til one day, 2 is kidnapped. 1 and 3 spend ages looking for her and their parents called the police and organised search parties and everything. Nothing. 10 years later, 1 and 3 have completely forgotten about 2, who is seeking revenge. She thinks they didn't care, they didn't want to find her.. Etc. Don't want to give too much away.

Anyhow I need some random traits (as many as possible please, from those I'll create my characters) and names. Preferably Japanese or unusual ones.

1 %26amp; 2 are girls, 3 %26amp; 4 are boys.

Next question.

WDYT of this?;鈥?/a> %26lt; The plot.

To that ^ I want to add a character called Risqu茅. She has long deep red (not dark) hair and one green, one red eye. She covers the red eye with an eyepatch. She acts good but really she's working for the bad side. She's sneaky and untrustworthy. The only ones who suspect her are Ryuu and Yuki. I need an animal that reflects her personality. Fox, dog, dragon, cat, and mouse are unavailable.


1: Need random traits and Japanese/unusual (any culture) names.

2: What do you think of Risqu茅?

3: I need names for the teams. I need a name for the good guys team and one for the bad guys. Preferably ones which for short you can use an abbreviation. Example: T.E.S.T. - The. Extra. Special. Team. (%26lt; don't suggest that tho, it's just an example.)

4: Would you read those stories? Or watch it if it's a movie?Need character help + what do you think of this?
My advice is to stop thinking of characters as having "traits". Sims have traits, not real people. People are more complicated than being nice or mean and dark haired or light haired. Imagine a more complicated and realistic person.

Reply to additional details:

Well, I've given you the right advice; choose to accept it or not. Think about it. Anybody can throw two traits together. Do you think Dickens sat at his desk with a list of traits and randomly chose a handful of them when he was creating some the best characters in the English language?

ONE PIECE POLL... FAVORITE? one piece fans!! plz answer them all :)?


i also answered them, so u guys also kinda get to know my taste :)

1) who's your favorite 'straw hat pirate'? (list them all - from most favorite to least favorite)

- I LIKE : zoro, nico robin, luffy, brooke, nami, sanji, franky, chopper, ussopp

2) who's your favorite '11 supernova' pirate?

- I LIKE: eutass kidd

3) who's your least favorite '11 supernova'?

- LEAST FAVORITE: capone bege (i like him cuz he has cool power, i just think he's old)

4) who's your favorite navy officer (regardless of rank, whether a common soldier, or some1 like an admiral)?

- I LIKE : monkey d. garp (love his goofy and carefree personality)

5) who's your favorite 'shichibukai'? (list all, from most favorite to least favorite)

- I LIKE: boa hancock, hawkeye mihawk, croco boy, jinbei, kuma, doflamingo, teach (blackbeard), and really hate moria...

6) who's your favorite pirate captain? (out of all the captains)

- MY FAVORITE IS edward newgate (whitebeard)

7) which is your favorite devil fruit power?

- THIS is a tough one... i like marco's phoenix, also liked god enel's thunder ability

8) which is your favorite ONE PIECE character of all times?



BQ1: who do you consider the most influential character on one piece, and why do u consider him/her so?

- I CONSIDER edward newgate (whitebeard) to be the most influential character on one piece, because i loved how during the war, he was kinda thinking to himself answering croco boy's question, saying that 'he's only one man with one heart' and despite it all, being stabbed, and his health and his age, he is just this super awesome being who commands respect from all, and cares so much about his crew, that any1 who dares lay a finger on any of his crew will not live to tell the tale... he's just awesome

BQ2: what would you like to happen on one piece the most?

- what I would like to happen on one piece the most is that that moron of luffy marries boa hancock sama :)

BQ3: what character would you like to learn more about?

- i think that the most mysterious character right now is probably monkey d. dragon... i think he's the one i'd like to learn the most about...

and also... it's funny... cuz probably the coolest and most influential guys on one piece, we hardly know anything about... for example:

gol d. roger... alright, so we have learned a bit about him, especially from rayleigh when he was telling the guys that the world government in fact never captured them... not even gol d roger himself.... but.. this guy was the one who inspired the pirate era... we should know a bit more about his personalities and what not :)

shanks ... we know a bit about his carefree personality and what not... but we don't know what he does and what not as one of the yonko nor how he achieved such feats... especially considering that he and buggy pretty much learned about piracy and what not together... why did one become such a character while the other is just a coward that likes to boost

i have written a lot, i just hope to get many answers fromm you guys and that ur personal experiences with ONE PIECE might help me kill some boredom :)

sorry that it was such a long question lol... but plz try to answer as much as you possibly can|||1)Favorite Straw Hats from most to least favorite

Zoro, nico robin, Franky, Luffy, Chopper ,Brook, Nami, Sanji, Usopp

It was too hard to order because they are all awesome.

2)Favorite "11 Supernova" pirate

Trafalgar Law is my favorite his voice is awesome as well as his clothes and devil fruit power

3)Least Favorite "11 Supernova" pirate

I actually have 2 least favourite Jewlry Bonney(pink haired woman) and Roaring Tide(musical instrument guy) I don't like these two because of their general way they go about themselves.

4)Favorite Navy Officer regardless of rank

Mine's Kizaru his devil fruit power is awesome and the way he elongates some of his words is interesting. Also like that stripey yellow suit.

5)Favorite Shichibukai

Jinbei, Hancock, Mihawk, Kuma , Crocodile, Kuma, Blackbeard, Moria, Donflamingo.

I really don't like donflamingo I hate his morals.

6)Favorite Pirate Captain

Edward Newgate (Whitebeard)

7)Favorite Devil Fruit power

Definitely Ace's flame power or Kizaru's light power, light speed kicks seem awesome.

8)Favorite one piece character

Ace is my favorite of all time, too bad he dies so after that it's Zoro


BQ1) Most influential character

I think Luffy is the most influential character he is able to rally pirates to his cause really easy, plus look at the Whitebeard War arc Luffy was able to rile all the Whitebeard pirates up and give them morale to fight. Even look at Impel Down he got 2 former warlords as his allies. He and his crew can turn the tides on the Pirates vs World Government/Marine war, destroying Enies Lobby was one turned the tides to the pirates a little bit.

BQ2)What would I like to happen in One Piece the most.

That all the Straw Hat Pirates achieve their dreams/what they were looking for whilst staying together until the very end and Luffy marries Hancock.

BQ3)What character would you like to learn about the most

I would like to learn about 3 characters the most.

-Monkey D.Dragon this guy is the leader of the main force opposing the World Government and the only thing we know about him is that he's Luffy's father. He is shrouded in mystery.-

-Whitebeard he is one of the most powerful pirates in history I'd like to learn about his childhood and what drove him to become a pirate and how he got so powerful

-Luffy's mother, shes not even mentioned at all in the anime so far and I've read uptil the latest manga and still no mention.|||1) who's your favorite 'straw hat pirate'? (list them all - from most favorite to least favorite)

Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, Robin, Brook, Franky, Usopp and Nami

2) who's your favorite '11 supernova' pirate?

Trafalgar Law

3) who's your least favorite '11 supernova'?

Jewelry Bonney

4) who's your favorite navy officer (regardless of rank, whether a common soldier, or some1 like an admiral)?

Toss-up betweek Garp and Aokiji

5) who's your favorite 'shichibukai'? (list all, from most favorite to least favorite)

Mihawk, Boa, Jimbei, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Moria, and Blackbeard

6) who's your favorite pirate captain? (out of all the captains)

Toss-up between Luffy, Trafalgar and Shanks

7) which is your favorite devil fruit power?

Luffy's Rubber-rubber fruit

8) which is your favorite ONE PIECE character of all times?

Luffy is my very favorite One Piece character.


BQ1: who do you consider the most influential character on one piece, and why do u consider him/her so?

I choose Dragon because he has the most to gain with what he's doing. He's successfully started rebellions in several major kingdoms of the World Government, and he's got a huge network of allies as well.

BQ2: what would you like to happen on one piece the most?

Luffy finding the One Piece and becoming the King of the Pirates, and meeting with his friend and mentor, Shanks.

BQ3: what character would you like to learn more about?

Dragon, because he's still mysterious. The only one of the Straw Hats that knows him intimately now is Robin and I wonder if she'll tell Luffy that she's met and learned from Dragon and the other Revolutionaries in the two years since they've seen each other. She seems to have gained a lot of knowledge about herself and her people and the reason behind the Lost Century even if it's just a little bit.

I would also like to know more about Mihawk, only because he seems to be the only Warlord that has any measure of honor that isn't selfish. We know that he's the Strongest Swordsman of the World, but we don't know how or for what reason he became a man with such a title.|||I JUST LOVE ONE PIECE!! :D

1) who's your favorite 'straw hat pirate'? (list them all - from most favorite to least favorite)

Sanji, Luffy, Zoro, Robin, Nami, Chopper, Brook, Usopp

2) who's your favorite '11 supernova' pirate?

Trafalgar Law most definately.

3) who's your least favorite '11 supernova'?

Scratchman Apoo. Ugh.

4) who's your favorite navy officer (regardless of rank, whether a common soldier, or some1 like an admiral)?

Commodore Smoker. Hmmm, yes.

5) who's your favorite 'shichibukai'? (list all, from most favorite to least favorite)

Jinbei, Mihawk, Crocodile, Hancock, Kuma, Doflamingo, Moria, Teach.

6) who's your favorite pirate captain? (out of all the captains)

Shanks of the Red-Haired Pirates

7) which is your favorite devil fruit power?

Candy-Candy Fruit from Movie 4. Yumm. ^^;

8) which is your favorite ONE PIECE character of all times?

Damn, this really is a hard one... Shanks, probably.

BQ1: who do you consider the most influential character on one piece, and why do u consider him/her so?

I consider Roger the most influencial because without him, the Great Pirate Era wouldn't have started and that would loose the whole point of the series.

BQ2: what would you like to happen on one piece the most?

That the Straw hats find a new crewmate in Fishman Island.

BQ3: what character would you like to learn more about?

Probably Big Mom(other Yonkou/Emperor) because we barely know anything about him, we havent even seen his face in full.

:D Great question, I love One Piece. :)|||1) who's your favorite 'straw hat pirate'? (list them all - from most favorite to least favorite)

- I LIKE : Luffy, Brook, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, Franky, Chopper, Nami and Robin

2) who's your favorite '11 supernova' pirate?

- I LIKE: exculding luffy and zoro, Trafalgar Law

3) who's your least favorite '11 supernova'?

- LEAST FAVORITE: Killer, You can just see Oda cba to think of another one lol, random name and a random mask and hey new character

4) who's your favorite navy officer (regardless of rank, whether a common soldier, or some1 like an admiral)?

- I LIKE : Gramp and Aokiji

5) who's your favorite 'shichibukai'? (list all, from most favorite to least favorite)

- I LIKE: Kuma, Crocadile, Mihawk, donflamingo, Jinbei, Black Beard, Han cock, and the ugly mofo Gecko

6) who's your favorite pirate captain? (out of all the captains)

- Luffy, if excluding him then Shanks

7) which is your favorite devil fruit power?

- Foxy's slow ray is halirous, but if i was to pick one and eat i'd pick Enel's i think

8) which is your favorite ONE PIECE character of all times?

- Luffy, then Mr. 2, Way of the Okama!


BQ1: who do you consider the most influential character on one piece, and why do u consider him/her so?

- Gol. D. Roger, I mean cmon, he's the guy that started the golden age of piracy, without him the manga wouldn't even exist

BQ2: what would you like to happen on one piece the most?

- I'd like to see all the crew's dream coming true, like zoro defeating Mihawk, Sanji finding All blue, Robin finding the real history etc. I like the emotional bits of one piece the most and i can't wait to see their expressions

BQ3: what character would you like to learn more about?

- silvers rayleigh, He is just one cool dude and i wanna see more of his fight scenes, When he kicked the beam of light away that's like the coolest scene ever!|||1) who's your favorite 'straw hat pirate'? (list them all - from most favorite to least favorite)


2) who's your favorite '11 supernova' pirate?


3) who's your least favorite '11 supernova'?

- LEAST FAVORITE: capone bege

4) who's your favorite navy officer (regardless of rank, whether a common soldier, or some1 like an admiral)?

- I LIKE : Monkey D Garp

5) who's your favorite 'shichibukai'? (list all, from most favorite to least favorite)


don't really care much about the rest.

6) who's your favorite pirate captain? (out of all the captains)


7) which is your favorite devil fruit power?

- MERO MERO NO MI (HANCOCK)!!!!!!!!!!!! NIKYU NIKYU NO MI (KUMA), probs also ENEL'S,

8) which is your favorite ONE PIECE character of all times?



BQ1: who do you consider the most influential character on one piece, and why do u consider him/her so?

- LUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's so unique and his way of "thinking/ideas" influence so many people and create a positive mood for all. He's got a strong ambition and is VERY optimistic!!!


BQ2: what would you like to happen on one piece the most?

- the debut of an ACTUAL good looking character!!!!! (guy character)

BQ3: what character would you like to learn more about?

- I totally agree with you on this one,

-Definitely about the revolutionary association and Monkey D Dragon

- Gold D roger

- Shanks

I need help in english on middle aged stories please help?

Match each character with the appropriate action or characteristic from Sir Thomas Malory’s “The Sword and the Stone” and “The Tale of Sir Launcelot du Lake,” “Sigurd, The Dragon Slayer” as told by Olivia E. Coolidge, and “Theseus” as told by Edith Hamilton.

A. A Norse myth

B. Casts a spell on Sir Launcelot

C. Serves as a foil by demonstrating behavior unbecoming of a knight

D. Requests that Sir Launcelot fight for him in a tournament

E. The true and worthy heir to the British throne

F. Makes a sword for Sigurd

G. Insists that his son prove his right to the throne by visiting the stone

H. According to myth, the founding father of democracy in Athens

I. Sir Launcelot fights for this person’s honor

J. Found and comforted the abandoned Ariadne

K. Norse god who suggests Reidmar take a ransom from Loki

L. Hero of a middle age’s romance

M. Changes himself into a dragon

N. Helps Theseus escape the Labyrinth

O. Advisor who possessed magical powers in British legends

1. Ariadne

2. Fafnir

3. Arthur

4. King Bagdemagus

5. Gwynevere

6. Regin

7. Dionysus

8. Launcelot

9. Merlin

10. Sigurd

11. Odin

12. Sir Ector

13. Theseus

14. Sir Kay

15. Morgan le Fay

so far i got

2. A

15. B

6. F

4. G

9. M

1. NI need help in english on middle aged stories please help?
Try this site, it might make your search easier..…

HOW'S THIS FOR A PLOT LINE! (Warning: May and DOES contain elements of HIGH FANTASY.)?

Now, I want you to switch your mind off for a moment. Is it off yet? Try really really hard- I want you to forget that everything that you know as 'normal' and 'obvious' and reboot your mind to the following:


The time is 2009 .e. this time. The place is here. Nothing about the world has changed at the onset of this story.

Everything is as it should be.

Now here comes the clincher (non-fantasy fanatics, leave now...still here? Well, if you've watched fantasy masterpieces e.g. ff VI: Advent's children and The Matrix and liked/loved them, then it's o.k.. You can stay. Just don't say I didn't warn you!) there exists a back-up reality to the one we are currently in.

Think of it in terms of the new improved version, kinda like Vista to windows 98-if you catch my drift-

Its purpose is to replace this reality once it deems the current reality 'outdated'.

A couple of centuries ago, this period in time came and it attempted to take over. However, the current reality resisted the action and managed to triumph over its replacement. reality version 1.2 was then left in a weakened state where its influence on matters is only mild at best.

Its effect is evidenced in the numerous fantastical stories rampant, yet unproved during that age and time; vampires, mermaids, Atlantis, dragons, Excalibur, mythical lands occupied by fantastical peoples, legendary heroes who would win entire wars and vanquish epic enemies all on their lonesome. You know the type.

However the stories remained largely unproved because of its weak and suppressed nature. This is not to say;however, that these do not exist, but that there influence and existence is limited and highly suppressed.

It then decides on a different more unorthodox route...

It decides to concentrate whatever influence it has left into 7 randomly selected humans whom it deems most compatible-that is via its own twisted criteria-to its ideals and its power to act as its unwitting agents and hasten its ascension to power.

By doing so, it effectively converts this individuals into wild cards, governed by none of the rules applicable to either side of reality as they have elements of both in them.

It does this partly to limit the current reality's hold on them and theirs, and partly out of amused curiosity to see what becomes of a being once released from all the rules (seeing as it too has rules by which it must abide-although they remain largely unknown through out the series-)

The story revolves around the individual tales of these unique people who are suddenly thrust into a world unlike any other-imagined or otherwise...made deeper by the morality of what it is they are supposed to bring about and the consequences involved.

Will they destroy everything they care about by bring about such a radically new era? Is it right? Why should they even care? What happens if they take no sides? Will the universe collapse inwards or the world still keep on turning?

so dudes and dudettes, what do you think?

N/B: I kinda wrote this in a frenzy so just glide over the grammatical errors kay?


I'll update you on the CHARACTERS later...HOW'S THIS FOR A PLOT LINE! (Warning: May and DOES contain elements of HIGH FANTASY.)?
listen to the guy with the ? mark seriously it is unique and he just answered straight upHOW'S THIS FOR A PLOT LINE! (Warning: May and DOES contain elements of HIGH FANTASY.)?
I think that you shouldn't come on here and ask people like us to judge if this is great or not. Also, it's bound to be stolen, as it sounds like a very unique premise. You seem to be very passionate about your story, and seem to know where it's going, so - as the famous Adidas ad says - JUST DO IT. :D Best of luck with you.HOW'S THIS FOR A PLOT LINE! (Warning: May and DOES contain elements of HIGH FANTASY.)?
Dude... it's okay... but it's a lot like the Matrix. You really shouldn't post ideas on here though. Show it to friends AND enemies (well, people who aren't your friends who won't steal your idea) and see what they think. The internet is NOT a safe place.
It sounds like the stock alternate worlds story with some pseudo-matrix BS grafted onto to it. To me it sounds like babble form the start of a video game, where you'd ignore it and move on. Trying to graft on the matrix computer jargon or the concept that the world as it exists is merely a simulation seems rather at odds with the planned "magic" beings.

I've seen the general alternate magical realm bit before, yours seems weaker for a number of reasons. If it was only a "few centuries ago", why do all the tales of those beings date to much earlier times than that, with the number of such stories becoming smaller dramatically the last five centuries, rather than stronger as your theory would suggest? I've seen it worked the other way a number of times. Where from a shared past, two worlds come into being, one which is ours, the other which contains the old magic made real. Often there is a "quantum physics" explanation for this alternate world. Take roger Zelazny's Changeling stories. One world becomes scientific, the other magical. Sometimes it is given a magical explanation, the Sidhe withdrawing into their hills type of explanation. Faerie folk, awaiting a change of events in Avalon, Tir Na Nog, Olympus, etc...

I think your idea would be stronger for not attempting to use computer terms, grafting the matrix to it. If you are going with the idea of all existence as merely a simulation, better to not hold on too tight to this time scale, as the time could also be simulated, etc.. You could really expand the walls, if you went with the idea of the world-as-code. Take something like Jack Chalker's Soul Rider series, which plays with that idea, while combining it with Philip Farmer's pocket universe ideas from his World of Tiers series. If you are going to hold onto the one magical one non-magical worlds part, then skip the computerese.

Beyond that problem the rest sounds fairly workable, the general plot sounds Ok, even if the general idea of the dual worlds isn't the most novel. Plenty of good fantasy books have already trod the ground, so keep in mind you have stiff competition. The idea of a "spirit world" connected to the real world is a wide spread one in various myths, so it isn't as if you're stealing it from a single author.

Oh and to all the chuckleheads that are so paranoid about someone ripping off your ideas. I've yet to see one new idea on here, you're paranoids who are just ignorant of the breadth of the literature which you're claimming to be writing. Quite frankly, I've seen more original fantasy worlds churnned out by a single 14 year old dungeonmaster in six months, than i've seen here in a year.