Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dragon Age 2 + rpg question.?

Hey, there may be a lot of questions like this out there, but I am going to ask anyways as there is not really a "specific" answer.

To the first part of my question. I have played the first Dragon Age game. It had VERY good character customization. So, I was wondering. Does Dragon Age 2 also offer the same customization or not? Because, from what I have read, but was not clarified on is that you are "Hawke", but other than that it does not specify if you can or cannot customize your character in any way. Any info into how you can customize the character would be awesome. I do not like many rpgs where you cannot.

Now, onto the second part of my question. Does anyone know of any good rpgs or action/adventure rpgs where you can customize your character, besides Oblivion, fallout 3, and dragon age: origins or awakening. I have heard of lost Odyssey is a good rpg and also infinite undiscovery, BUT I do not know if you can make your character in them. Any info on that would be awesome. Any other rpg or action/adventure rpg out there that you CAN create your character from scratch would be awesome. Thanks in advance. By the way, this is for the 360. Not computer or ps3. Thanks.Dragon Age 2 + rpg question.?鈥?/a>

Check out this review, as you can see the Hawke is black with a goatee. If that doesn't show you the span of the customization nothing will. 360/PS3/PC are ports of the same game, having seen all 3 you can get as crazy as you want with Hawke's facial features but are restricted by certain hairstyles.

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