Saturday, March 10, 2012

How to turn my passion into drawing?

How do I turn my passion into drawing? Most of my passion is gaming and computer but it's time for me to try and quit. I love playing games and I even love getting on computer and whatever but it hurts me because of my laziness. I have enough of it and I want to turn away from it. I want to be able to draw again.

Guess a little bit of story might help. When I was little, I always go to art class ever since Elementary School 1st grade. I went to this art class and I love it. I always get C or B in another rest of class except Art. I get straight A's. Even Honor Roll for Art Class. It was good and awesome. I love art. I never forget about it. I use to draw Dragon Ball Z character. After high school... I stop drawing. After while... I tried to draw... I tried everything to pick up the pencil and a sketch book. I want to draw but.. I got lazy and left it on my desk collecting dusts. I don't know what to do. It does the same thing with guitar. I tried to pick up the guitar but I have no interest in playing it. So I put it right back where I left it and let it aging and collecting dusts. I'm real upset about that. After all 13 years I went to art class... why that happen to me? I can't figure out how to draw.

So few days ago... I was reading manga and found a picture that inspires me. My grandmother want a picture so I draw it for her from the manga. The picture from a manga that I copy was a man with serious determinate expression and in a detective suit. So instead I draw a man looks alike but different hair and wear hoodies with jacket. It looks really good. Doesn't look much like dragon ball z but 2 times better like professional manga. Shades sucks but everything is good. So I gave it to my grandma anyway. After that... I don't even bother pick up sketch book again.How to turn my passion into drawing?
I was stuck in that mood for a while too. The first step for me to start dusting off my art stuff getting myself ready to draw again. From what I have learned is that you can't just jump into drawing again it kinda brings this sense of writers block only with drawing.

Stop going on the computer just to play games and take a walk, getting lazy is probably an excuse to not go outside. Taking a break from the computer breaks your need to always be on the computer, you can still play all the games you want but, in the future, you will know how to keep it under control.

The you can get out your sketch book and pencils and start drawing. You might have nothing to draw, so start with lines that are straight and curves and scribbles. Get something onto the page so you're not staring at a blank piece of paper the entire day, sooner or later it'll turn into something and then you know that you're artistic vibe is coming back.How to turn my passion into drawing?
basically just keep practicing, take in criticism, look a tutorials and DRAW FROM REAL LIFE AS WELL IT WILL HELP

also I don't like bursting peoples bubbles, but getting A's and an award in a highschool art class isn't really an indication of a good drawing to be very bluntly honest. I did when I took art in school and to be honest I never even tried and most of them weren't even very good : / better than 'most people' maybe, but not good. I think the lowest mark I ever got was 80% because it was an anime drawing.

but believe me drawing from real life will improve your manga drawings ten folds, it'll help loosen up your strokes and show you how things are properly positioned and proportioned. DO NOT mess with proportions because 'it's my style man' until you have an understanding of real life anatomy and such. Believe me, 'stylized' never looks good when the person has no idea how a real person is shaped.

As for the shading try a life drawing class with an instructor who will give demonstrations and point out any mistakes you may have made with the shading, anatomy, pose etc as well as what is good about it

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