Sunday, March 4, 2012

A few questions about Dragon Age: Origins?

1) What is the combat system like? (As like a load of bioware games you are able to pause during comnbat :/)

2) How customizable is your character? (I understand about he background etc)

3) How much freedom does the game give you?

For example:

Is it like Oblivion where ou are given the oppurtunity to roam, figh whoever, steal, murder just by swinging your sword.

Or is is it like mass effect, or kotor where you have very limited freedom and are not given the oppurtunity for andom massacres.

4) Any hint given that you are able to continue your game after completing main quest, side quests (for instance in KOTOR your game ended when you finished the main quest :( )A few questions about Dragon Age: Origins?
go to youtube's EA channel.

There was a gameplay with commentaries from the developers.

Probably explain all those questions.A few questions about Dragon Age: Origins?

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